Horse Sense Learning Levels with Allied Horsemanship
Rainbow - Rising Rider Level
The Rainbow Level is an introductory level for young riders aged 4 through 7, who are not yet able to ride and care for a pony independently. Rainbow Level riders should always practice their skills with the supervision and assistance of an instructor!
Level One - Red Unmonted
Student will learn basic safety practices for working around horses; simple identification of tack and grooming equipment; elementary equine anatomy; and basic needs of the horse.
Know and discuss safety rules in barn, pasture and arena.
Describe safe riding attire; demonstrate how to correctly fit a helmet.
Catch horse in stall and pasture, with safe technique.
Demonstrate safe leading from near side, both in barn and through doorways/gates.
Tie horse safely, using an effective quick-release knot.
Demonstrate basic grooming to prepare a horse for a ride.
Know names and functions of basic grooming tools.
Demonstrate picking out hooves safely, with knowledge of reasons for basic hoof care.
Know parts of the horse, to include: withers, poll, croup, hock, fetlock, etc.
Know parts and functions of saddle and bridle.
Know how to store tack correctly, and give at least two reasons for cleaning tack and equipment.
Know basic rules for feeding.
Be able to identify good and bad hay, grain, and water.
Demonstrate mucking and re-bedding a stall, cleaning stall thoroughly and efficiently.
Natural Horsemanship ground handling skills
Level One - Red Mounted
Brush, pick hooves, saddle and bridle, with assistance only if necessary, demonstrating awareness of basic horse safety.
Mount and dismount independently (with mounting block if needed).
Perform warm-up stretches independently.
Perform an emergency dismount at the halt and walk.
Halt by disengaging horse’s hindquarters (“one-rein stop”), once on each rein.
Demonstrate a pulley rein and a safety seat.
Shorten and lengthen reins correctly.
Perform walk-halt transitions, maintaining balanced position.
Demonstrate the following maneuvers at walk:
Change of direction across diagonal
Half-circle reverse Half-turn
Large circle
Drop stirrups and pick up again, without looking down, at the halt.
Stand up in stirrups at the halt and walk, maintaining balance without using hands.
Ride simple ground pole course (3-5 fences) at walk, demonstrating smooth turns and approaches.
Ride on the rail at a jog, once around in each direction
Natural Horsemanship ground handling skills
Level Two - Yellow Unmonted
Student will refine leading and grooming skills; will learn to care for tack; to describe and measure horses; to apply protective boots and blankets; to identify elementary feeding principles and situations requiring veterinary care.
Jog horse in hand, with safe technique, as though jogging for soundness.
Blanket and remove blanket from horse safely.
Correctly apply splint boots, bell boots, and shipping boots.
Know what each is used for and which vital areas are protected.
Clean and condition a saddle, bridle, and cinch, knowing reasons for each step.
Reassemble bridle without assistance.
Care for a horse after a workout, to include:
Cooling out
Thorough grooming and post-ride inspection
Appropriate feeding and watering
Know normal TPR range for a horse, and discuss how to take TPR.
Know basic colors and markings.
Know basic types and breeds of the horse.
Know how to measure a horse for height.
Know reasons for basic feeding principles, to include discussion of roughage and concentrates.
Know signs of colic and action to take.
Know which injuries can be handled with minor treatment and which need veterinary attention.
Level Two - Yellow Mounted
Tack and untack independently, in twenty minutes or less.
Demonstrate how to adjust stirrups and cinch.
Perform an emergency dismount at the jog.
Demonstrate use of disengagement and pulley rein by halting horse from jog.
Ride smooth transitions between the walk, jog, and halt, maintaining balanced position.
Demonstrate consistent posting rhythm at the jog.
Demonstrate the following maneuvers at walk and jog:
Large circle
Half circle, half-turn and change of direction across diagonal
Ride WDAA Intro Test 1, showing knowledge of elementary dressage terms and figures.
Ride on the longe at walk and jog without stirrups and reins.
Drop stirrups and pick up again, without looking down, at the walk.
Ride at the jog without stirrups, once around arena.
Stand in stirrups at the jog, developing ability to remain balanced independent of hands.
Ride grid of three or more poles, demonstrating ability to stay with the horse’s motion at walk and jog.
Ride a ground pole course at the jog with opening and closing circles, good approaches.
Additional Levels coming soon!
Please contact Allied Horsemanship to schedule an assessment to determine which program may best suite your needs.
Absence Policy
Consideration for Allied Horsemanship staff is appreciated. Students are asked to call at 608-412-2692 as soon as possible if you know you will miss class.
Lesson Cancellation Policy
The safety and good health of students and horses are the most important concerns of Allied Horsemanship. Classes may be canceled during the following conditions: (Cancelations of lessons will be determined by Allied Horsemanship Instructors).
Temperature extremes
High winds
Thunderstorms or tornado warnings or storms
Access road is flooded.
Unsafe road conditions for travel
Students/parents/guardians are asked to check the Allied Facebook Page or call at 608-412-2692 if weather is uncertain. If classes are cancelled, it will be posted to Facebook no less than 1 hour before the lesson.
Clothing Requirements
A safety helmet (ATSM-SEI approved) must be worn and is provided.
Long pants such as blue jeans, stirrup pants or riding pants.
Protective sun screen, sun glasses and insect repellant as needed.
Shoes with sturdy heels (oxfords, riding boots) or non-slip soles are recommended.
No sandals, crocs, clogs, open-toed or open-heeled shoes, no shorts.
Dress in layers depending on weather conditions.
Contact us for any additional questions or concerns at